Sunday, November 22, 2009

Victory Gardens-Free Class on Saturdays

In the early to mid part of the 20th Century, the US Government encouraged citizens to plant Victory Gardens to reduce the pressure on the public food supply brought on by the war effort. These home gardens also helped to improve morale on the home front. Eleanor Roosevelt cultivated the last major Victory Garden at the White House in 1943. First lady Michelle Obama rekindled interest in Victory Gardens this spring when she and her family planted the seeds for the White House's largest 1,100-square-foot organic vegetable garden. Inspiring a host of suburban gardeners to do the same in economic hard times.

Beyond the Pennsylvania Avenue, Victory Gardens seem to be catching on across the US and in the Bay Area.

"Gardening is catching on in these rough times not just because of its economic implications but it is good for individual well-being," said Matt Fahy, a Masters student in licensed mental health counseling. "Exercise, improved nutrition and stress reduction are all added benefits to gardening not to mention the sense of accomplishment. These benefits help in these uncertain times," said Fahy, whose studies emphasize horticultural activities as simple solution to improve a person's quality of life.

Fahy will help seasoned and aspiring organic gardeners learn to plan and plant their own Victory Gardens as part of an four-part series beginning November 28, lectures are from 1-3pm at Twigs & Leaves Nursery, 1013 9th (Dr. Martin Luther King) Street South, Saint Petersburg, FL 33701.

Attendees can learn the history of victory gardens and how they are relevant in today's economy, environment and the social benefits.

"These gardens saved resources, provided food, reduced environmental stress from the agricultural industry, bound communities together and helped our troops achieve victory abroad. Today, the troubles we face have changed, but this tool can help us to overcome them." said Fahy.

The Victory Garden series continues every Saturday from Dec 5-19 from 1pm-3pm with a free seminars from Sustainability to Wellness and more.

For more information call Matt Fahy, 727.488.2597 or email

New Southside

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