Saturday, January 06, 2007

Reverend Jesse Jackson

Reverend Jesse Jackson “Making the American Dream A Reality”January 18th at 7pm in the Sun Dome ArenaCo-sponsored by Multicultural Activities, the MLK Commemorative Celebration Committee, and the Tampa Bay Black Heritage FestivalReverend Jesse Jackson is the President and Founder of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition which embodies his commitment to political and economic empowerment, equality, education, and social justice. Jackson has influenced both national and international issues. His national works began as a student, where he led a sit-in movement as an assistant to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Later, he motivated citizens during the 1984 and 1988 Presidential campaigns by registering over one million and two million new voters, respectively. Internationally, he has advocated for the end of apartheid in South Africa, the promotion of democracy in Haiti, and acted as an international diplomat for the release of hostages in other conflicts.
He has received countless honors including the NAACP Spingarn Award, 40 honorary doctoral degrees, and in October 1997, he was appointed the “Special Envoy of the President and the Secretary of the State for the Promotion of Democracy in Africa.” Today, his commitment to social change and youth persists; Rev. Jesse Jackson continues to inspire hope and challenge others to excellence.

Rev. Charles McKenzie is the Florida leader of Rainbow/PUSH and has recently relocated to St. Petersburg.

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